About Kosher Cycle Tours
Kosher Cycle Tours
Kosher Cycle Tours is a road cycling tour company that caters to the Jewish cyclist. Founded by a frum road cyclist, the company aims to provide you with fabulously rewarding, well-supported riding experiences in Europe and Israel, along with great kosher food, minyanim, wonderful Shabbos experiences, and more.
Our destinations and routes offer great cycling, gorgeous views, and incredible memories. For those who are up for the challenge, we offer the opportunity to conquer epic and iconic climbs: passes in the Dolomites, cols in the Alps, and climbs throughout Israel. Alternatively, join us for tours through the picturesque villages and rolling hills of Switzerland, the valleys and wine country of Italy and Israel, and the lowest place on earth: the Dead Sea.
Our goal is that your tour with us be an exhilarating and rewarding experience. If you are looking to stretch yourself, we are here to help you reach new heights – pun intended! After all, there is nothing we like more than seeing PBs, a trophy, or a KOM on Strava!
Whether riding peaks or flats, join us in some of the most beautiful parts of the world for an extraordinary and infinitely rewarding experience. With our carefully planned tours, and our team of passionate professionals and support personnel, we will do our utmost to give you the time of your life.
Show up with your bicycle and your riding legs, and we’ll take care of the rest.
We look forward to cycling with you soon!

A Note From Our Founder
Why Kosher Cycle Tours you ask? The idea grew out of my own desire, as a cyclist, to ride in the world’s most beautiful and challenging destinations. But I wasn’t able to find cycle tours suited to a frum lifestyle. Many tour companies run tours on Shabbos, sadly even in Israel. Food is either not kosher, without hashgochoh, or not up to mehadrin standards. Minyanim are hard to get, if not impossible. So I started Kosher Cycle Tours primarily to address these issues.
If you have landed on this page, I’m confident that your passion for cycling is similar to mine, and you, too, are looking to cycle the peaks of the world. I look forward to welcoming you to the Kosher Cycle Tours family.
My commitment to you: As a family-owned business, our focus is on excellent service. When you call Kosher Cycle Tours, you’ll reach me. I will be on tour with you, ensuring the experience is top notch. I’ll break bread together with you, and sleep at the same lodgings. When we’re not touring, it’s me researching the best routes. I am committed to providing exceptional tours that are challenging, memorable and of course kosher, all in the most economically sustainable way possible.
Wishing you only tail winds,
Aaron Hurwitz grew up in NY with a passion for fitness and sports. He took up road cycling in 2008. He lives with his wife and family in Jerusalem, Israel